A warming and stimulating body bar for massaging over the skin and working into the muscles. Can be rubbed on the skin alternating between hands and massage bar. Helps the hands that are massaging easily work the muscles, giving a silky, gliding feel. This massage bar smells like fresh peppermint. There are no unnatural fragrances or chemical additives used in this lotion bar. Ingredients listed below are what you get, nothing hidden. Careful with application to the face or near the eyes as Peppermint Essential oil is on the spicier side of scents. Do not store near the sun or in high heat. Highly recommend a cork coaster with the purchase of a lotion bar.
Contains Quality Products of: Cocoa Butter, Beeswax, Safflower Oil, Coconut Oil and Almond Oil with Peppermint Essential Oil.
Please be advised this product contains nut oils.
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